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时间:2023-11-19     来源:       作者:阎卓宇

编辑:阎卓宇 播音:阎卓宇、吴娅萱

AShow English elegance display western culture. Here is your English salon

BGood afternoon my dear friends it's very nice to you again we are you good friendsClaireandMelody.








A He used a combination of teaching and children's games, distributing points cards to motivate them. At the same time, he also linked with the head teacher and other main subject teachers.


B For example, if a child did not do the Chinese class homework, it is necessary to deduct the points card, the child is very sad, will quickly make up the homework. Therefore, he did physical education teaching in the school, and also got the support of other major subject teachers.比如说如果有小孩语文课作业没做,那就要扣除积分卡,孩子很伤心,就会赶紧把作业补上。因此他在学校做体育教学,也得到了其他主科老师的支持。

A At that time, he was very shocked, the special school has achieved full sports coverage. After he went back, he changed and improved his course, and he began to do full coverage. There are basically no disabled children in their school, but many of them are resistant to or unwilling to engage in sports. So he found a way to make his course bigger.


B When he first went to work, he made campus sports into an elite education in sports. He would often choose the school team and select 24 students among the more than 1,000 children in the school to form the school team. Although he got good grades, he gradually found that this was not what he wanted, so he began to try to  more children involved.


A He found that after guiding their sports interest well, they would practice harder in private. He will each class of children  up their own small clubs, using an escalating model, just like a talent show, one pass one pass elimination. Those who are eliminated will become free agents and join another club.


B Later, their local TV station also came to interview him. But those awards, awards and honors, didn't seem very important to him.


A He said at the time that his biggest award was for the students writing him in the composition. Sixth grade graduation writing composition, is the graduation exam ah, generally write the main subject teacher. But many of the  students in his interest classes wrote about him, and he was particularly moved.


B Perhaps the children's language expression is not very beautiful, or how amazing, but from themn the kind of the most pure love, really  him very touched, may be his biggest motivation!


A 一首好听的音乐过后欢迎回来,这里依旧是汉江师范学院广播台英语沙龙栏目。像一线城市的体育老师,他们就会有更多创新的机会,更多创新的可能。而我们今天介绍的第二位是广州天河区一个小学的体育老师巩莲莲老师。

B Miss Gong is a very young teacher. She is not only a PE teacher, but also a head teacher. So she can view the child's development from a more comprehensive perspective.


A She was teaching the first and third grade, and she found that there was a child in the first grade, who often fell down while walking, and tripped over herself when she ran 50 , and could not stand in line. And his attention is very poor, often easily distracted in class.


B After she communicated with his mother, his mother said that he had poor balance and self-control, so his body, including his knee, had a lot of scars after falling. At the time, he said that if a child has poor balance, his self-control and his ability to feel the external stimulation would be poor.


A Now there are so many children with this sensory integration disorder. So Teacher Gong wanted to infiltrate his lessons on balance, including crawling, to train students in the development of their sensory systems.现在这种感觉统合失调的孩子非常多。所以巩老师就想在他的课程中渗透关于平衡的教学,包括爬行等等,训练学生大脑感觉系统发育。

B She designed the balance class from the physical and mental development characteristics of the junior pupils. In the design process, one equipment is multi-purpose, through a equipment to connect the whole class. Through a series of training, the child's own sensory system will slowly develop.她从低年级小学生的身心发展特点入手来设计平衡课。在设计过程中做到了一个器材多用,通过一个器材把整节课串联起来。通过一系列的训练,孩子自身的感觉系统也会慢慢地发育。

A When she do the teacher in charge, their class has a child, because his family reason——grandma spoil, for example, mother often quarrel with grandma, he will put the family contradictions down to himself——he is very closed in class, lectures, often pour the water, his painting, the teacher called motionless state.


B After the later training, including she guided him in class, asked him to cooperate with others to games, chat with his parents, help him feel the change of family status, through this series of training, he opened himself.


A He can consciously control or improve himself, slowly improve himself,. Now the child is in middle school, academic performance is good, also participated in a series of sports team training.


B Exercise does change a child. It is not a simple movement, but through the exercise, can bring students the growth and physical and mental development.


A Why changed sports later into sports and health? To integrate health and sports is to change the mental state of children in the process of exercise, so that they are willing to open their hearts to cooperate with others in the process of exercise. This process is a process that can change a child and  him grow up slowly.


B When a person is walking on a more difficult road, it is inevitable to feel helpless and question themselves. But when you see that not just yourself, a group of people are doing such things, you will become more confident.


A In fact, although the teacher is very important in——physical education ecology, but its more profound significance, in fact, is to help children fall in love with sports, sports. This is also the original intention of the teachers.


B 好了,今天的分享介绍就到这里了,广播下的小伙伴对于今天分享的话题有什么好的意见或建议,也欢迎来我们的官方空间微信中分享参与互动,本期的英语沙龙到这里就结束啦,我们下期再见!

A:That's all for today's English Salon. Of course. we hope you could be satisfied about this program. And support our broadcast without stopping. The editor and broadcaster are Melody and Claire.

B And if you have any constructive suggestions,please contact us on 8846 031.

A Thank you for your listening.

B See you next week!