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时间:2023-11-05     来源:       作者:阎卓宇

   编辑:阎卓宇 播音:阎卓宇 吴娅萱

AShow English elegance display western culture. Here is your English salon

BGood afternoon my dear friends it's very nice to you again we are you good friendsClaireandMelody.



B很多在1990 年前出生的人,也许会对一张拍摄于安徽大别山的黑白摄影作品《我要读书》有一些印象。 透过照片中乡村小女孩明亮的大眼睛 ,很多人第一次看到了乡村儿童对受教育的渴望。

A这张照片当年也成为了「希望工程」的标志。在当时80 年代的贫穷落后的农村,失学仍然是乡村教育急需解决的最大难题。而从这张照片拍摄至今,已经过去了 30 多年。

B 2011 年我国就已经完成了包含西部边远贫困县在内的九年义务教育普及工作,义务教育的重点也开始从「保障入学」向「提高教学质量」转移。

A 在城市教育「鸡娃」、「双减」频频引发热议的另一边,很多人对乡村小学的印象还停留在贫困、救助,还有一座好像永远都走不出的大山。乡村教育正在经历什么,更加需要什么,也许只有身处其中的人才能看得真切。

B 今天节目的主人公陈小东就是一位乡村小学教师,在青壮年纷纷走出乡村的时候,他从城市走进了乡村,并且最后选择一直留在了那里。

A 就是一位乡村小学教师,在青壮年纷纷走出乡村的时候,他从城市走进了乡村,并且最后选择一直留在了那里。与很多从小就在城市中长大的孩子一样,九年前,他人生中第一次获得接触乡村小学的机会,也是从支教开始的。

B Like many children who grew up in the city, nine years ago, he got the first opportunity to engage in a rural primary school, but also from the volunteer teaching.

A 与很多从小就在城市中长大的孩子一样,九年前,他人生中第一次获得接触乡村小学的机会,也是从支教开始的。

B The year Chen Xiaodong went to was already 2014. However, the local teachers in the primary school are all older, and the English classes have never been started. Therefore, many of these college students who volunteer teaching every year act as English teachers.

陈小东去的那一年已经是2014 年了。但支教小学的本地老师年龄都偏大,英语课一直以来都没有开起来。所以每年去支教的这些大学生,有很多都是去充当英语老师的角色。

A Although the fifth grader very cooperative in class, only four people can pass each exam. Lost at the same time, slowly  Chen Xiaodong feel different is, in the rural primary school, the children and teachers contact, not only in the classroom.


B After half a year, the original volunteer teaching public welfare organization has also been constantly improving. They are aware that these non-normal volunteer teachers need some professional training problems. So before  to Guizhou, Chen and other volunteer teachers were sent to Shanghai Normal University for an intensive training.


A In this training, one of the most important inspirations that Chen Xiaodong gained is the —— gamification, which may improve the children's enthusiasm and participation in learning. With the ideas of the training, he had more confidence  to the primary school in Guizhou this time.


B In the process of volunteer teaching, the director of a documentary once came to Yiyi Primary School and wanted to shoot some content of rural primary school here. But after they turned around, they felt like the school environment was ok.


A Class classes and electronic whiteboards have replaced blackboards, which seems different from the primary school they were looking for. Compared to the school buildings, desks and chairs, and stationery, the children's hidden needs are carefully hidden behind their shyness and cowardice.


B There is a child in the class, his grandmother will tell Xiao Dong that the child is not talkative. But in fact, he thought the child was not introverted, just because he was born, his mother left, and then his father worked outside, and he grew up with his grandmother.


A He was very afraid of the world. So the small east put his figure down, and then go to chat with him, you can feel that he is very have his own mood changes in the inside. When the child first visited his home, he was afraid to open the door.


B It turned out that he was only afraid of the unknown because he was not afraid of me. In class, Xiao Dong would ask him questions, and then I would approve the homework face to face, and then give feedback to him. I found that he was not so afraid. He began to show his emotions out.


A I don't think he is really born so introverted, but because the environment did not give him a sense of security, so he has to close himself, this is their way of self-protection. I have found that engaging with your child involves listening to what is called "useless news," and you need to listen to your child's trivial, subtle emotions. You take care of it, you can walk into a child's heart.


B At the end of each semester, the children felt that Miss Chen might not come back again. Xiao Dong did not say goodbye to them, and did not give them a definite answer that I would come again.


A In fact, Xiaodong himself is also very afraid, if the future income is really very low, live a very miserable, but also very afraid of this kind of life. I also know that if you reach a certain age, you don't find a stable job, and you don't have a family, as if there is no way to prove yourself in this 


B He feels more and more that people have an identity, when you don't, you don't know how to speak.when I talk to someone on the train or on the road, they ask, "Young man, what are you doing?"」


A He said he was a volunteer and was volunteer teaching."What's your income? What's your life?"What will you do in your future? He would soon be overwhelmed by such questions and left speechless.


B  I don't even know how to answer it. For a long time, people asked him, " What are you doing in these years? He didn't even know how to answer anyone else. For those years he was stuck in a cycle of thought.


A This time, he applied for a rural primary school in his home, which is at least seven or eight hours away from his home in the city. He only goes home once a semester and usually lives in the school teachers' dormitory.


B The life of a village teacher officially began. But he slowly found that he seemed to never go back, because the rural primary school he had been lingering back, has been in a rapid demise.


A 好了,今天的分享介绍就到这里了,广播下的小伙伴们如果对今天的话题有什么好的意见或建议,也欢迎广播下的小伙伴来我们的官方空间微信中分享参与互动,本期的英语沙龙到这里就结束啦,我们下期见!

A:That's all for today's English Salon. Of course. we hope you could be satisfied about this program. And support our broadcast without stopping. The editor and broadcaster areMelodyand Claire

B And if you have any constructive suggestions,please contact us on 8846 031.

A Thank you for your listening.
